The Air Doctor was established in 1998 after recognising that some specific applications were being under serviced or not fully understood. In many cases a general one size fits all approach was offered. The Air Doctor, with a number of years of experience in the industry, analysed the various applications and offered tailored solutions to fulfil those needs.

The Air Doctor specialises in the specific needs of the Petro-Chemical, Power Generation, Pharmaceutical, Food, Construction and General Industry.

The Military needs have been very successfully met by The Air Doctor who is a Defence Approved Supplier and holds a Cage Code number.

The Air Doctor and associates have a great many years of experience in their targeted field. The company offers Consulting and Engineering Solutions, Equipment supply and service as well as rental equipment.

Head Office, Factory and Store

Head Office, Factory and Store

Compressed Breathing Air Range

Compressed Breathing Air Range

Posicheck Mask Certification

Posicheck Breathing Apparatus Certification

Defence Deployment Equipment

Defence Deployment Equipment